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Level 12, 35 Clarence Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
  +61 2 9048 8850


Suite 5B, Level 5,
201 Leichardt Street, Spring Hill,
Brisbane 4000


GPO Box 2180,
Sydney NSW 2001


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managed by Genex Power Limited

    Project Opportunities

    McConnell Dowell/John Holland JV have been selected for the Kidston Pumped Storage Hydro Project (K2-Hydro). As such, all supplier, subcontractor and employee enquiries should be directed to these contractors and not through Genex Power Ltd.

    Genex recognises the importance of Indigenous involvement in the K2-Hydro Project from a procurement and supplier perspective. Indigenous subcontractors and suppliers are strongly encouraged to express interest in participating in the project using the links provided below.

    To express interest in participating in these projects as a supplier, subcontractor or employee, please see the following methods of contact:

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