Renewable Energy On Tap

Genex Power Limited is an ASX-listed company focused on developing a portfolio of renewable energy generation and storage projects across Australia.

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J-Power transaction – acquisition of Genex

Clean Energy, On demand

Genex Power offers a diverse Australian renewable energy & storage portfolio

MW in Operation
MW Under Construction
GW in Pipeline Assets
GWh Generated
Tonnes of CO2 Saved

Helping Australia meet its renewable energy targets

Genex Power Limited is an ASX-listed company focused on developing a portfolio of renewable energy generation and storage projects across Australia. The Company’s flagship Kidston Clean Energy Hub, located in north Queensland, will integrate large-scale solar generation with pumped storage hydro and wind energy.

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Achieved Critical Infrastructure status for the Kidston Clean Energy Hub in Queensland.

Energy Storage

300MW of pumped storage hydro and battery in construction and operation.


$1.1Bn+ in renewable energy assets and investment in the economy.


Nearing completion of Australia’s first pumped storage hydro project in 40 years and developing Australia's largest grid-connected solar farm to date.


By 2025 we will provide clean energy to over 350,000 homes.


Over 1000 jobs generated from the development of Genex Power’s renewable assets.

Flagship Project

250MW Kidston Pumped Storage Hydro Project

Genex Power’s Kidston Pumped Storage Hydro Project (K2-Hydro) is the company’s flagship project encompassing the Kidston Clean Energy Hub. K2-Hydro is sized at 250MW and can operate continuously for 8 hours (2000MWh) – acting essentially as a giant water battery. Once operational, K2-Hydro will be maintained and operated by EnergyAustralia under an Energy Storage Services Agreement for up to 30 years.

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We're leading Australia’s transition to a clean energy future

Genex is committed to providing responsible stewardship of the natural resources over which we have control or influence. We believe that preserving, protecting and, where appropriate, remediating the natural environment is essential for the wellbeing of current and future generations.

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